Tuesday, August 18, 2009

His Grace and Tenderness

Once again as I have been reading "You Were Made for Love" by Philip Carlson I have been impressed by the Holy Spirit as He has spoken directly to my heart on the issue of Love. Love is an act of tenderness. Please see the following section from the book:

"God's love for us is infinitely greater than my love for my child. It is unfathomable. Right now, wherever you are, whatever your doing, whatever your feeling, God is looking at you, passionately concerned about you. You have his undivided attention. Your past choices, the condition of you heart, the degree of your brokenness are no longer obstacles to relationships with him. Every moment in the presence of God is an opportunity to have our eternal destiny shaped by what happens from this moment forward rather by anything in our past. His grace is always greater than our ability to mess things up. The slightest exertion of his power or anger over sin would consume us. With exquisite tenderness he reaches out his hand to save us and to touch our lives in a way that will heal us and make us whole.
The kingdom of God may be enhanced and even built in some small part on powerful words and actions but what will absolutely turn this world upside down- not by some irony but by design - is one word spoken in kindness, one tender touch offered in love, one cup of cold water given in the name of Jesus, one life, perhaps your life, made all over again by the gentleness of God"

As I think on what God has done in my own life through His gentleness, how after a time running away from Him, He gently and lovingly wooed me back to Himself. He used His word, most definitely in the shape of bible studies that cut right to my very heart. A heart that I was protecting, the sword of the spirit made it bleed, but in so doing brought about a healing that only God could have brought. His love also came in the form of humans. His love poured out on me through countless friends. Dear sweet sisters and brothers who loved me right where I was at. No finger pointing, no accusations, just love.
God is calling me to do likewise. To love as He would love. To see my sister or brother who is hurting and fill there cup with cool waters, to offer kindnesses and a tenderness that may turn their hearts to a God who will love them more then I ever could. I want to love like that. Do you?

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