Friday, August 21, 2009

Lifting my Petitions up to Him

I cry out to you today Oh God and ask for your protection over the ones I love. Today will start a very difficult journey for them. I ask that you hide them under your wings. That the enemy will not gain a foothold in this most difficult time of their lives. Lord I pray Psalms 62 over my family:
I wait quietly before God,
for their victory comes from you.
2 He alone is their rock and their salvation,
their fortress where they will never be shaken.

3 So many enemies against them—
all of them trying to kill them.
To them they are just a broken-down wall
or a tottering fence.
4 They plan to topple them from their high position.
They delight in telling lies about them.
They praise them to anothers face
but curse them in their hearts.

5 Let all that they are wait quietly before God,
for their hope is in him.
6 He alone is their rock and their salvation,
their fortress where they will not be shaken.
7 Their victory and honor come from God alone.
He is their refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach them.
8 O my dear family, trust in him at all times.
Pour out your heart to him, for God is your refuge.

Making a Psalm personal in my prayer of petition before God gives me the peace of knowing we Have a personal God who reaches down in his grace and mercy to protect, to hide and to lift up those He loves.
I love the Psalms, they are so full of rich emotion both in Praise to our God and in utter desperation for God to save us from ourselves and our enemies. I urge you to
Dig deep into His word and pray it over your life. Find His Peace that will come in praying His word back to Him. He delights in His children when they do.

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